Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

nia cases. What its specific effects are, I don't yet know. This
bacterium may be hiding under teeth. It is also seen in dogs.
Shigella bacteria from nonsterile dairy foods are part of the
problem, too. They produce brain and nerve toxins resulting in
irritability, depression, anger. In fact, anger can be so intense, it
erupts in violence.
Lead and copper are commonly seen in schizophrenia suf-
ferers. The usual source for these is the household water
(household plumbing may have lead solder joints). Change
plumbing to PVC, then take thioctic acid (100 mg, twice a day).
Parasites always found in schizophrenia are hookworms (4
Ancylostoma varieties) in the brain.

  1. Stop eating all grain products, nut products and syrups

  2. Sterilize all dairy products.

  3. Search for lead and copper in the water.

  4. Stop drinking commercial beverages, including bottled

  5. Zap the parasites in the whole family for three days, fol-
    lowed by repetitions twice a week.

  6. Eliminate Shigellas with the Bowel Program (page 546 ).

  7. Give away pets. Schizophrenia is too serious to risk rein-

  8. Do the dental cleanup (page 409 ).
    The need to zap repeatedly arises from reinfection. Nothing
    needs to be killed twice. But reinfection from self, family mem-
    bers, pets and food happens every hour. One cannot rely on
    zapping to stay well. Do a thorough diagnostic search of all
    foods eaten at the last meal, the water drunk, the air breathed.
    Only when all these are clean, will the brain heal.
    When can you eat grains again? When you are well. Find a
    cereal or pasta that has no mold. Test it for the mold frequencies
    (77, 88, 100, 126, 131, 177, 188, 232, 242, 277, 281, 288, 295

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