Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

monly seen in the liver. Bacteroides probably escaped from its
roundworm host, Ascaris. Salmonella probably came with non-
sterile dairy food.
If you have an intestinal problem involving digestion or pain,
start immediately to boil all dairy foods. Stop eating those that
can't be boiled: cheese sandwiches, yogurt, ice cream. It must be
boiled for 10 seconds. The bacteria are in the liver because your
liver attempted to strain them out of your blood and lymph in
order to kill them with bile. Instead, they turned around and “ate”
the bile, turning it brown as evidence. Now, every time the liver
lets down bile into the intestine (and stomach), a population of
these bacteria goes with it. The intestine becomes a seething
mass of bacteria, bubbling away as they produce CO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S,
CO (carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon
monoxide). Some of these gases are quite toxic.
Help your liver expel its bacterial overload with liver
cleanses (page 552 ) until all the bile is a beautiful bright green.
This is evident as dark brown bowel movements. Without the
green color of bile added to your intestine, the bowel movement
remains light colored, such as tan, yellow or orange! By stopping
eating polluted food, killing bacteria and cleansing the liver,
digestion becomes normal again.
Of course, there must be enough acid in the stomach and di-
gestive enzymes produced to make good digestion possible.
Otherwise, leftover food goes to feed the waiting bacteria.
Persons with a chronic digestion problem may also find they
harbor lead, cadmium, or mercury in the intestine! This is very
good in a sense. Your body has kept these toxins in the intestine,
preventing it from getting into your vital organs. The bad news is
that their presence in the intestine could start an intestinal
disease. Toxins in the intestine would inhibit your immune
system (here the white blood cells are in clumps called Peyer's
patches), from gobbling up the “bad” enteric bacteria. Maybe

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