Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Mental deterioration of the elderly is not as complicated as is
generally believed. Although circulation and blood pressure play
a role, the effect of toxins is much greater. The action of toxins
is greater in age than in youth. The same polluted water and food
causes disorientation in the elderly when it only gives a young
person a stomach ache.

The liver's detoxification capability may be the real issue.
Indeed, the liver may age, in accordance with the calendar date.
Perhaps the liver is the only truly aging organ. It may even de-
termine your life span. The answer, then, is to stop giving it toxic
substances and shortening your life span.

As the liver is less able to detoxify them, common toxins are
allowed to roam the body with the circulation, doing harm to all
the organs. The brain feels disoriented or dizzy; there is memory
loss. At first, the liver can “catch up” its work and finally clear
the toxin for excretion. But, eventually, it can't catch up or keep
up. The body, notably the brain, is bathed in toxic chemicals that
interfere with its functioning. Now, the elderly person must use a
cane for stability, must walk very carefully not to fall, must write
everything down to remember it, calls people by their wrong
names, can't “find” the right words to speak with, can't finish
sentences, must write on a calendar to keep the days straight,
starts talking to themselves to help think of things, develops
tremors and unsteady gait, acquires a passive personality, loses
weight, gets stooped, stops reading the newspaper.

All these signs of aging (dementias) can be reversed by sim-
ply removing the common toxins with which we are already

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