Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

PUSHING BACK AGE.................................................

This chapter is a tribute to Jimmy, Nazy, Michele, Suzanne,
Marlena and all the others who achieved excellence with daily
care-taking of Mary Austin, deceased at 97.
It's true that we have to die sometime. But why die before our
life span is up? If many people can live to 100 years, then surely
this is the human life span, not three score and ten. Some
scientists think the true human life span is closer to 140 years!
And that we all lead shortened lives. The shortening is due to
failure of some organ in us. Other organs are dependent on the
failing organ and begin to fail also. When the brain fails, death
occurs, sometimes in five minutes.
If we knew which organ is failing, we could come to its as-
sistance and prevent the collapse of the whole body. Often it is
easy to see which organ is failing. But whether this is the true
beginning of the body's problems we cannot know. Before death
there may have been appetite loss. Before the appetite loss there
may have been a broken hip. Before the broken hip, dizziness.
Before the dizziness a blood pressure or blood sugar problem.
Before these, an episode of “flu” or a dental “repair.” Sometimes
we know what started it all. But often we don't. Just make a guess
and begin somewhere.


If your aging friend or relative is in a home for the elderly,
you may be able to persuade him or her to choose a diet that is
wiser than the average diet people eat there. This can help a lot.
Just stopping drinking the coffee, decaf, iced tea and carbonated
beverages that are served, and switching to the recipes in this
book could get them off some of their medicines.

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