Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

technician or musician. Others must patiently practice. The de-
tails are given in the Bioelectronics chapter (page 457 ).

You do not have to be an expert in anything to learn the
electronic detection method. But a keen sense of hearing helps.

In 1988 I learned a way to put anything on my skin, blind-
folded, and identify it electronically in a few minutes. I could
taste something without flavor and identify it electronically. The
system worked fine for detecting things in the skin and tongue.
Would it be reliable for internal organs, too?
A whole world of discovery lay ahead of me. I wanted to
know what was in my inner ear causing tinnitus, in my eyes
causing pain, in my stomach causing indigestion and a thousand
other things.
But behind the daily excitement of new discoveries, a
gnawing question lingered in my mind. How is this possible
without some pretty high frequency energy source, radio fre-
quency in fact, running through my circuit? My audio oscillator
was only 1000 Hz (hertz, or cycles per second); radio frequency
is hundreds of thousands of Hz. And the phenomenon could be
produced with an old-fashioned dermatron^1 , too, that only puts
out DC (direct current)–no frequencies at all!
A high frequency energy had to be coming from somewhere.
Was it me? Ridiculous!
But there was a way to test. If my own body was putting forth
the high frequency energy, it could be bled off and diverted into
the ground with a correct size capacitor. This should stop the
feedback oscillations. This turned out to be true; it was stopped.
But ridiculous kept ringing in my ears and I tried an-

(^1) The dermatron was invented decades ago and made famous by
Dr. Voll. Establishment science disdained it!

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