inappropriate things). The brain is simply not getting enough
oxygen and food to work right. It is like having a pocket calcu-
lator with rundown batteries: it will give you wrong answers
(without telling you they are wrong). Not enough oxygen to the
brain is the main cause of memory loss, inability to find the right
words, getting words mixed up and not being able to speak in
sentences. You can prove this by providing oxygen from a tank;
modern equipment is very easy to use and inexpensive. If your
loved one responds well to a few hours of oxygen, you have
proof of the problem.
How can you increase oxygen in the brain?
- Open the blood vessels wider.
- Increase pressure of blood running through the blood ves-
sels. - Raise the oxygen level in the air that is breathed. Less car-
bon dioxide, tobacco smoke and auto exhaust. All these,
including a gas leak from the pipes in the house, compete
with oxygen. - Increase the oxygen delivery system to the brain by raising
hemoglobin levels. Cure anemia and low iron levels. - Raise oxygen saturation of blood by keeping body acidity
down. - Correct a slow and irregular heart beat.
Open blood vessels wider by giving niacin. Give it early in
the morning, upon rising, as soon as the feet are set on the floor.
Keep it at the bedside, use small capsules or tablets and combine
this chore with water drinking. The water should not be cold and
should have nothing added to make it a beverage. (Drinking
water within minutes of sitting upright may also move the bowels
soon.) A 250 mg. time-release niacin tablet (see Sources) is a
good choice. The elderly have little side ef-