Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

dium is allowed to leave the body with the urine, resulting in low
sodium levels in the blood and a blood pressure drop. Adrenal
performance is improved by taking the kidney herb recipe.
The kidney herbs (page 549 ), at half dose level (½ cup a day
instead of a whole cup) can be given daily for three weeks and
then on alternate days indefinitely. Be very careful to keep the
herbal tea sterile by reheating. Elderly people seem to sense the
improvement given by kidney herbs. Try other kidney herbs from
time to time: shave grass, cedar berries, juniper berries,
butcher’s broom, cornsilk. None interfere with drugs. Re-
member, they also have a diuretic effect. Be prepared to use ex-
tra paper padding in underwear to help catch the extra urine
output. The first few nights may be disturbed by extra urination.
Interpret this positively.
After the blood pressure comes up to 115 (systolic) mental
performance will be greatly improved. Don't try to bring it up to
120 since this raises the stroke potential without giving you much
improvement in performance. Use an electronic device to
measure blood pressure, one with a finger cuff, not an arm cuff
which can itself induce broken blood vessels. Purchase a device
that needs no adjustments of any kind and has automatic cuff
tension control (see mail order catalogs if your pharmacy does
not have one).

Air Pollution.............................................................................

Improve the quality of the air by lowering the pollution level.
Check into carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, fumes from a gas
stove pilot light, auto exhaust from an attached garage or nearby
highway, arsenic from household pesticide, PVC from new
plastic curtains or carpeting, formaldehyde from wearing new
clothing before washing it, asbestos from hair dryers, freon from
a refrigerator, fiberglass, and chlorine from running tap water.
Some of these displace oxygen, some are simply toxic to

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