Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Many common bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus,
choose the heart as their favorite location. Their nesting place,
though, will be under a missing tooth in the jaw (cavitation).
Heartworm and Loa loa are two very common heart parasites.
You can have all these killed in a day, without side effects and
your heart is once more free to beat regularly. Don't take a
chance on over-medicating. As soon as the beat is regular and
under 100 per minute, reduce your heart drugs. Stop them when
you are regular and under 80. Fatigue will leave and the brain
will work better.
Raising potassium levels slows the pulse. Try to do this with
diet by eating more potassium rich food and by conserving on
potassium losses. The adrenals are in control of losses. Give
them a thorough cleaning. The adrenals are situated right on top
of the kidneys where all toxic things are being excreted. Being
this near to the urinary tract will result in shared toxins. Urinary
tract bacteria, small kidney stones, moldy foods and metal from
dentalware are the chief offenders. Switch to composite tooth
fillings. Use non-metal jewelry. Cook and eat with non-metal
ware. Don't handle metal unconsciously throughout the day.
Aluminum objects that must be touched should be wrapped in
masking tape: this includes walker, shower door, bathroom sup-
Door knobs, taped walker handles, and cane handles should
be wiped daily with a grain alcohol solution.

Treat the adrenal glands to 5 supplements

  1. Vitamin C: shake some into all foods that can absorb a bit
    of the sour taste, even cooked cereal and vinegar water.

  2. Pantothenic acid: 500 mg., one daily.

  3. B 6 : 250-500 mg. daily.

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