Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1


plagues most elderly persons. It begins to plague women
much earlier—after childbirth, for instance. Surgically shortening
the bands that hold the bladder in position (called bladder
“lifting”) can give temporary relief, but the surgeon may be the
first to tell you that it is a temporary fix. Still, it is so shocking
not to be able to run a few steps or sneeze or cough without
wetting the underwear, that anything seems better than doing
nothing. Surgeons will tell you that the bands have been
The real reason why nothing, not even surgery, is permanent
is that the support bands are weak. Bacterial invasion causes
most of this weakness. Low potassium levels (due to excess
potassium losses by the adrenals) causes more weakness. When
you kill bacteria (and Schistosomes and Ascaris and other para-
sites that bring in bacteria) and blood potassium levels go up, the
problem is solved. Overnight you may throw those pads away.
Even though you needed three pads to be “safe” you will not
need any. Whether you have killed bacteria permanently
determines whether you have permanently cured the condition.
Make sure all dairy foods are absolutely sterile. Ask that the milk
be boiled for ten seconds and other foods that can't be sterilized
are not on the menu, like sour cream. Sour cream has too much
tyramine to be safe. Tyramine is a bacterial by product that is
quite toxic; it is rather high in aged cheese, also. With the food
bacteria, Salmonellas and Shigella, out of the way and parasites
being killed regularly, you can focus attention on the adrenals
which control potassium levels.

Be careful not to rave about the foods that your loved one
cannot eat.

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