Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

  • Potato chips. You want salt, grease, starch and crunch. No
    wonder they are so popular!

If your body still has its wisdom, or most of it, why can't it
detect the mold in peanuts, crackers and bread for us? There is a
very sound reason. Our food manufacturers have gone to great
lengths to fool our native senses. Salt and sugar, roasting and
flavoring, do most of it.
Your body is accustomed, natively, to interpret sugar, salt,
and flavors as “good, good, good.” Of course, the mold is “bad,
bad, bad.” But when you mix them, what is your body to read?
The “goods” always win; manufacturers don't stop until they do.
More flavorings are added. The result is that you can be eating
rotten moldy food without knowing it.
Food that is predominantly concocted can't be interpreted by
your body wisdom. You must use your second-best ally, your
How would you interpret these situations, taken from real

  • An elderly person can't stand butter, wants and enjoys

  • A child prefers canned spaghetti for the real thing.

  • A child wants to eat only sweets, everything else must be
    coaxed down.

  • A young man needs “his” beer to enjoy a cook-out.

  • A young man with serious mental illness drinks half a
    gallon of Mellow YellowTM a day.

  • A child wants ketchup on everything.

  • A pregnant woman puts herself on a pickled pigs feet and
    white bread diet.

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