Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

and noodles. It is not in baked goods bought at bakeries, left open
to air. Evidently the system of wrapping baked goods in plastic
keeps moisture trapped and starts the molding process. In spite of
adding mold inhibitors, American bread-stuff is far inferior to
Mexican baked goods in which I do not find aflatoxin!
Here is some good news for cooks: if you bake it yourself,
adding a bit of vitamin C to the dough, your breads will be mold
free for an extended period (and rise higher).


What is so important about molds? Some of them produce
very, very toxic chemicals wherever they grow. They produce
some of the most toxic chemicals known to exist. Aflatoxin is one
of these. My tests show it is always present in cancer patients; in
other words it has built up due to the body's inability to detoxify
it in a reasonable time. A great deal of research has been done on
aflatoxin. Any library would have more information.
Aflatoxin reaches the liver and simply kills portions of it.
After a hefty dose the liver is weakened for a long time—
possibly years. Hepatitis and cirrhosis cases always reveal afla-
toxin. The liver fights hard to detoxify aflatoxin and manage its
own survival. It manages for 2 to 3 weeks; then a portion of it
succumbs. So the toxic effects of a dose of aflatoxin aren't even
noticeable for several weeks! And without a taste or smell to
guide you, how would you know to stop eating the moldy peanut
butter or spaghetti? The answer is:

  1. make and bake things for yourself

  2. test the things you dearly love but can't make

  3. treat things that are treatable for molds

  4. throw the rest out of your diet

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