Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Rub it in vigorously for about 10 seconds (otherwise it
takes minutes to absorb). Leave the shredded wick on the
skin and tape it down with a piece of clear tape about 4
inches long (this increases the time you have to work).
Quickly wash your fingers.

  1. Place your skin tissue specimen on one plate and the sugar
    specimen bottle on the other plate.

  2. Probe for resonance every 5 seconds. As soon as you hear
    resonance, implying that the skin has absorbed the sugar
    solution (which may take a full minute), replace the skin
    specimen with one of liver and listen for resonance again.
    There should be none, yet.

  3. Alternate between the skin and liver. Soon the skin will be
    clear and the liver will resonate. Also check the pancreas
    and muscles to see how quickly sugar arrives there.

  4. Check white blood cells and kidneys. It should not appear
    here (unless it is polluted with a toxin).

  5. After five to ten minutes the sugar will be gone from all of
    these tissues and your experiment is ended. Wash your arm
    with plain water.

Notice that you have only a few minutes to get all your testing
done after the skin has absorbed the test substances.

Lesson Six................................................................................

Purpose: To verify the propyl alcohol and benzene lists.
Method: We will use the Syncrometer to test for a toxin in a
product. Assemble the products named in the propyl alcohol list
(page 335 ) and benzene list (page 354 ) many as you can find.
Also make sample bottles of benzene and propyl alcohol.

  1. Place the propyl alcohol test substance on one plate and
    your products, in turn, on the other.

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