This is a list of all the solvents I use together with the main
source of them in our environment. These are chemicals, very
pure, obtained from chemical supply companies, unless other-
wise stated. Those marked with an asterisk (*) were the subject
of a recent book The Neurotoxicity of Solvents by Peter Arlien-
Soburg, 1992, CRC Press.
Solvent Source
1,1,1, Trichloro ethane*
flavored foods
2,5-Hexane dione flavored foods
2 Butanone
(methyl ethyl ketone)
flavored foods
2 Hexanone*
(methyl butyl ketone)
flavored foods
2 Methyl propanol
2 Propanol (propyl alcohol) see the propyl alcohol list
Acetone store-bought drinking water, cold cereals, pet
food, animal feed
(2,5 hexanedione)
flavored foods
Benzene see the benzene list (page 354 )
Butyl nitrite
Carbon tetrachloride store-bought drinking water, cold cereals, pet
food, animal feeds
Decane health food cookies and cereals
Denatured alcohol obtained from pharmacy
(methylene chloride)
store-bought orange juice, herb tea blends
Gasoline regular leaded obtained at gasoline station
Grain alcohol 95% ethyl alcohol obtained at liquor store
Hexanes* decaffeinated beverages
Isophorone flavored foods
Kerosene obtained at gasoline station
Methanol (wood alcohol) colas, artificial sweeteners, infant formula
Mineral oil lotions
Ytterbium pollutant in pills
Yttrium pollutant in pills
Zirconium deodorant, toothpaste