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#23. Gaston naessens and 714-X
714-X is the name given to an alternative product developed by Gaston
Naessens, a French microbiologist now residing in Quebec, Canada.
714X supposedly contains a mixture of camphor, ammonium chloride and nitrate,
sodium chloride, ethanol, and water. Camphor is a natural product derived from
the shrub Cinnamomum camphora.
Some patients swear by 714-X as a cancer alternative; the jury is somewhat
out in that many alternative physicians are not so sure of its effectiveness. Just
because it has been attacked ruthlessly is not proof that something really works,
as many air-headed dreamers think.
Only results count. Again I have found it difficult to separate the supposed effect
of 714-X from other simultaneous interventions. Lots of patients stories about
how thye recovered is not proof, scientifically, if they also switched their diet or
took supplements, etc.
What I do know is that Naessens recommends 714X is injected daily in a series,
repeated twenty times. 3 series is the minimum (over 60 shots). These are given
in the lymph nodes of the groin (ouch!)
It’s your right to try it if you like, though the FDA says it is not your right.
Outside Canada, 714-X is available in Mexico and Western Europe but not in the
US. Attempts to block it are vicious, unreasonable and still ongoing.
As an aside (almost), Naessens developed in the 1940s an extremely powerful
light microscope (it uses ultraviolet and laser technology) that is capable of
extraordinary rates of magnification—up to 30,000 diameters. With it he can
see tiny organelles in the blood that are not visible to the ordinary laboratory
This sounds uncannily like the beginning of the Rife story (section #35).
Naessens named the circulating organelles “somatids”, so his instrument was
dubbed the Somatoscope. Well, Rife saw these too, so that is not in question.
Just like Rife, Naessens reported that at the different stages of the cycle, the
form of the somatids may resemble bacteria, yeasts or fungi. We call these
smaller fragments, and changing backwards and forwards from one shape to
another, pleomorphism; it just means “many shapes and sizes”.