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#25. Hyperthermic Or Fever Therapy For Cancer
So often in the science of healing we come around to the fact that Nature knows
best and if we just leave well alone, we can do the most good. So it is that high
fever is often a very beneficial response to disease and doctors are wrong to
fight it with medicines like aspirin and paracetomol. Biological enzyme systems,
and that includes those acting as part of the defence process, work best at
around 103^0 F, at which level they are around 10 times more active than at 98.4^0 F
(37^0 C).
Thus fever actually helps the immune system fight efficiently and we should be
very chary indeed about interfering. Otherwise we get a disease which has never
properly resolved the natural way and can go on for years smouldering away.
The new discipline of electro-acupuncture shows us how often childhood
diseases, such as measles, just hang up in time and then haunt us later as
damaged immune systems. Cancer, let me remind you, is very much a disease
of weakened immunity. Yet scientific studies show that where measles has been
allowed to progress naturally and resolve itself, the children actually emerge as
healthier than those kids treated heavily by intervention.
Probably the only time a fever should be blocked is in the case of febrile
convulsions. Fits are always bad and should be held in check. But we can always
sponge the child down! Sometimes the simple remedies make the most sense.
An exciting new anti-cancer alternative treatment is to deliberately create a fever.
When I say new, this approach has been around for over 100 years but has been
promptly dumped in favour of noxious and expensive chemo-therapy. We are just
rediscovering how valuable this ingenious therapy can be. We call it hyperthermia
(as opposed to hypothermia). US natural medicine clinics such as the Dr. Robert
Atkins Center in New York report marvellously exciting results.
It is based on a simple and easily verifiable scientific FACT: that a temperature
of 108^0 F kills cancer cells but not normal human tissue cells. All we need is
some way to raise the body’s temperature and we create a selectively negative
environment for the renegade cancer cells, which can be mopped up by the
immune system. Most of us would consider 108^0 F a bit high. But even at 103-
1040 F the advantage still manifests.