
(pavlina) #1
Page 118

#33. Electromagnetic factors in disease

“... It turns out that most living things are fantastically sensitive to van-
ishingly small EMF exposures. Living cells interpret such exposures as
part of our normal cellular activities (think heartbeats, brainwaves, cell
division itself, etc.) The problem is, man-made electromagnetic expo-
sures aren’t “normal”. They are artificial artifacts, with unusual intensi-
ties, signaling characteristics, pulsing patterns, and wave forms. And they
can misdirect cells in myriad ways.”

— B. Blake Levitt
Former New York Times writer and author of “Electromagnetic Fields, A
Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves”, and Edi-
tor of “Cell Towers, Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard?”

So how important is this EMF radiation thing to cancer patients (cell phones and
the like)?

I’ve been writing since the 1980s about the dangerous effects of electromagnetic
radiation fields on human biology. For a long time I was a voice in the
wilderness but, today, recognition of this problem has spread to such an extent
that only those completely out of touch would not be aware of the controversy
and concern.

There is very special emphasis on the potential hazard of microwave radiation
from cell phones, since we carry these close to our person, often within a few
inches of vital organs, such as the heart, brain and gonads.

Yet, if you visit my blog and read this page:
cell-phones-as-bad-as-x-rays/, you’ll see that using a cell phone for 24 hours, it’s
actually equivalent to 1600 chest x-rays. I have even provided a graphic, showing
the DNA damage at a frequency of 1.8 gigahertz (1800 megahertz); typical cell
phone frequencies are around 1.9 gigahertz (and also from many household
cordless phones).

Russian, British and Austrian health officials warn that kids may be especially
susceptible to serious health problems from wireless devices. Canadian officials
say that children should limit cell phone use until health science catches up with
technology. The French health minister advised in January 2008, that kids be
allowed no more than 6 wireless minutes at any one time (about the same as is

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