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He took a series of Geranium plants inoculated with the Bacterium tumefaciens
(=tumour making) which causes cancer like growths on the plants: ‘A month
later, when the tumours had developed, I took one of the plants at random
which I surrounded with a copper spiral consisting of copper and measuring
30 cm. in diameter, its two extremities, not joined together, being fixed into an
ebonite support [a rigid plastic tube, such as a spent ballpen stem, would suffice
perfectly well]. An oscillator of this kind has a fundamental wavelength of about
2 metres (150 megaHerz) and picks up the oscillating energy of innumerable
radiations in the atmosphere.
“I then let the experiment follow its natural course during several weeks. After a
fortnight, I examined my plants. I was astonished to find that all my geraniums
or the stalks bearing the tumours were dead and dried up with the exception of
the geranium surrounded by the copper spiral, which has since grown to twice
the height of the untreated healthy plants’.