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Brandon used every moment of her waking hours to focus on her problem. She
new that the body cells have amazing regenerative powers. Six weeks later and
with no surgical intervention the doctors found no trace of the tumor.
Today, Brandon is healthy and vivacious. She teaches other people how to
overcome issues and illnesses that prevent them from living fully. ‘The Journey’
evolved from this personal experience and has been undertaken by thousands of
people from around the world.
However much I appreciate her work and “The Journey” however, I cannot help
but extrapolate the work of Hamer and I think it resolved naturally, as it should
by being left alone, if Dr. Hamer was right.
Marc Ian Barasch is another writer you should read. His book The Healing Path:
A Soul Approach to Illness (Penguin) is one of the best books ever written about
the mind-body connection.
When Marc was thirty-five
years old, he had a series of
vivid and startlingly detailed
dreams about cancer. Though
he had no physical symptoms,
he went to see a doctor,
insisted on medical tests, and
was diagnosed with thyroid
cancer. At the time, Marc was
the editor of New Age Journal
and they fired him because it was bad for the magazine image if he got sick.
Nice people! Marc always thought himself “quite knowledgeable about the realms
of healing.” But he found it was one thing to read and study and write about
disease, and quite another thing to experience it.
In February 1985, he had conventional surgery. It was pronounced a success,
although sorting through the spiritual, psychological, and social implications of
the illness, the treatment, and its aftermath would take many years. Barasch
explains the path he took and the book is highly informative and will help you
understand what you are undertaking.
Then comes Bernie Segal and his healing book Love, Medicine And Miracles. You
must read this. Segal was a general and pediatric surgeon. In 1978 he originated
Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy
utilizing patients’ drawings, dreams, images and feelings. His work is based
I find it tragic that I must experience almost daily
that cancer patients spend more time thinking
about how many, and which, tablets they should
take instead of dealing with personal changes.
Lothar Hirneise on change necessary for cancer