
(pavlina) #1
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attacks the “white collar crime” of lying and cover-up, to divert attention from
the way Big Business is killing everyone with its dirty fall-out.

“As recently as 1986, the NCI (National Cancer Institute) promised annual
cancer mortality rates would be halved by the year 2000. The establishment
now belatedly admits that cancer rates are increasing sharply. However, with the
enthusiastic support of the chemical industry, these are ascribed exclusively to
smoking, dietary aft itself (ignoring the tenuous evidence relating this to colon,
breast and other cancers) and “mysterious” causes.

Meanwhile it discounts substantial evidence incriminating and wide range of
chemical and radioactive carcinogens permeating the environment, air, water,
food, and the workplace... Non mysterious causes of breast cancer, which the
establishment ignores, let alone investigates, include carcinogenic contaminants
in dietary fat, particularly pesticides; PCBs; and estrogen (with extensive and
unregulated use as growth promoting animals food additives).”
[The Politics of Cancer revisited, East Ridge Press, NY, USA 1998, p. 355]

As Sam points out boldly, you are not going to get the truth from official sources.
Something is causing the soaring cancer rates and anyone intelligent can quickly
spot that increased personal and environmental pollution is one of the main
cause of the problem. The establishment, so closely tied to the huge chemical
industry lobby, is simply not going to support your interests over those of Big

So, it’s vital we all take control and reduce our personal pollution load where

It’s playing Russian Roulette to use after-shave, cosmetics, gels, hair-set, paints,
household cleaners, solvents, herbicides, insecticides and other pesticides in
the torrents that we do. Did you know that women absorb about half a kilo of
cosmetics every year – through their skin? Add what is in the air to what’s in
our food and in the water and we have a big problem. Our liver and major de-
tox systems try to keep pace with this lethal tide of chemicals but we are not

These chemicals accumulate and do not decay, since they are such strange
substances, Nature doesn’t have a means of getting rid of them (xenobiotics). All
we can do is reduce the load, keep clean and do everything possible to help the
detox mechanisms. Unfortunately they too are poisoned, as the rest of us, when
this tide of chemicals rises too high; that which protects us one of the first things
to be damaged. The immune system gets hurt too.

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