
(pavlina) #1
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some are single remedies in a mixtures of potencies (called a “chord”, after the
musical term for several notes sounding at once).

Homotoxicology has a lot to offer in the battle against cancer. I have explained
how progressive deterioration of the body’s own cleansing system leads to
gradual compromise of the defence mechanisms. Eventually, as the process
nears an end and the “biological age” of the body tissues (the biological vitality
of the tissues, as opposed to the calendar age), neoplasms or cancer changes
are seen as almost inevitable on this model. It makes sense, then, that reversing
this process will gain valuable points in the fight against a tumour. The more you
help the body recapture its lost biological age, the better it can compete with the
invasive cells. It’s like turning back the clock!

A basic attack would be to use a detox formula and liver support (there are
several), Lymphomyosot, or similar mesenchyme cleanser, and a general anti-
viral (more and more cancers are being found to have a viral basis), specific
detoxes for acquired vaccine abuse of the immune system (a complex job,
requiring skilled medical advice), then tissue stimulants, such as glyoxal and
Psorino-heel, and finally, as the situation warrants it, some viscum preparation. I
use HEEL’s own Viscum compositum, and alternate it with an Echinacea complex
(again, this is a compounded formula, with 25 other ingredients than the

Viscum Comp. and Other Ingredients

Viscum comp. also contains two other active ingredients which are important.
The first is adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP), which is there to bring cell metabolism
back into line. Cancer cells misbehave and if they can be persuaded to act more
like normal cells, then we are getting somewhere. ATP stimulates hormonal and
cell membrane activity right inside the cell itself.

Mercury iodide is also included, which has strongly anti-viral properties. Quite
simply, almost all switched-on doctors today believe that many (but not all)
cancers are mediated by viruses, such as the papilloma virus. Remember viruses
are bits of DNA bad news creating mischief, like alien genes, as I’ve seen them
called. It’s a small step for them to get locked into cellular DNA and when that
goes wrong...why that’s all cancer is, really: unruly DNA leading to loss of cell
integrity and runaway multiplication.

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