
(pavlina) #1

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Your body needs all the zest and vitality it can get. Exercise and
movement is good, we know it stimulates the immune system and
keeps body fat under control. By keeping yourself as fit and healthy
as you can, your body will be able to respond to the challenge

It’s your choice... You can eat better; that’s one route. But you can
also exercise far more and so take in more valuable foodstuffs,
without getting overweight. I’m not suggesting you do 10 miles a day.
But I do believe we should all spend at least 4-5 hours a week
engaged in physical activity.

Walking is the very least you should do;
cycling is better; swimming or tennis is
better still; workouts in the gym are not as
good; neither is lengthy vigorous running,
because that releases masses of free-
radicals in the body.

According to report from the World Cancer
Research Fund and American Institute for
Cancer Research, diet, physical activity
and limiting body fat could prevent over
30% of 12 different cancers and over 20%
of all cancers.

Those estimates are all about the big
picture -- the effect on the overall
population -- not an individual’s chance of
developing cancer.


If you are tired, inactive, lacking

involvement or feeling resentful about

what you are doing, stop and look for love.

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