New Scientist - USA (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1
6 March 2021 | New Scientist | 31

Strange beauty

Institute of Cancer Research’s
Science and Medical Imaging
Competition: shortlisted images

THESE striking images show the
intricate and unexpected beauty
of cancer research. All were taken
by people working at the Institute
of Cancer Research (ICR), London,
and the Royal Marsden Hospital,
London. They are shortlisted for
the ICR’s annual Science and
Medical Imaging Competition.
Far left, top, is Marta Forés
Maresma’s image of larval-stage
tissue of a fruit fly, an organism
used to study cancer and tumours.
Fluorescent confocal microscopy
was used to detect proteins in cells
that glow red or green, a method
that can help in studying cell
interaction in cancer.
Top centre is Stella Man’s image
of a soft tissue sarcoma tumour
spheroid – a ball of cancer cells.
David Mansfield’s entry, top
right, shows a protein-detecting
technique to highlight cells – here,
in a lymphoid structure that can
occur in cancer. The method uses
antibodies attached to molecules
that either fluoresce or catalyse
reactions that make colours.
Below right is an image by Sarah
Ash of a breast cancer tumour in a
mouse, using nearby connective
tissue cells to help it spread.
Next are flower-like structures
(bottom centre) captured by
Sumana Shrestha. These are stem
cells involved in brain formation,
and they can be used to explore
the origins of brain cancers. Her
other submission (far left, bottom)
uses images of stem cells shaded
in to create the shape of a head
with a cancer surgical scar.
You can vote for your favourite
entry on the ICR website. Winners
will be named in early March. ❚

Gege Li

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