artistFebruary 2021 37
Snowy Landscape, acrylic on canvas, 18 3 20in (45.5 3 51cm).
For more coverage I strengthened some pure colour and added shots of
yellow/orange, intensified some of the green tints within the shadows and
intensified the lightest tints with lots more white. I deliberately allowed the
base colour to come through as it just adds that little extra shot of vibrancy
amongst the pastel shades
I reintroduced the shadows with burnt sienna, deep violet and process
magenta – the colours weren’t over-mixed on the palette so that shots of pure
colour came through when I dragged the brush to lay the marks. Textures
from the canvas and previous layers of paint were also picked up when
brushstrokes were applied. I added a few more tints by adding more white
and cadmium yellow to the mix from stage three
More tints were used in varying degrees of strength, without
killing off the colour by using too much white, working
around the shadows with negative shape painting. Smaller
marks were laid close to the top to indicate the snowy
horizon. Areas of the shadows were also strengthened with
darks (deep violet and burnt sienna). It’s important not to be
too heavy-handed when applying the shadows – a shadow
has intense and soft shades within it – so I allowed some of
the background to form part of the shadow