Macworld - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1
March 2021 • Macworld 111

throttled to a lower speed
each month against some
baseline, and if so, how
close to that limit are you?
(Some ISPs have temporarily
suspended limits due to
the pandemic and the work-
from-home shift.)

  • Consider your broadband
    speed. Do you have enough
    throughput to upload many
    gigabytes and download
    them on demand?

Next, follow these steps:

  1. Select Optimize Mac
    Storage in the appropriate
    preference pane for your version of
    macOS as noted above. (If you have
    multiple Macs logged into the same
    iCloud account, you will need to
    enable optimization on each of them
    to avoid filling their start-up volume.)

  2. Copy a batch of tens of gigabytes
    of data from your external sources
    to iCloud Drive.

  3. Wait for the files to upload fully. You
    can check via to see
    if the files are available there as a
    check on completion.

  4. Copy another batch of files.
    As pressure increases on your
    Mac’s storage, macOS will – as

noted above – start deleting the
local copies. You should be able
to monitor storage and watch
that happen.

  1. Continue a batch at a time: copy,
    wait for upload, repeat.

Another option is to upload
directly via the site, but
Apple provides just a file-selection
tool, and uploading via a browser
can be fraught with interruptions
and slowdowns.
To be extremely clear: don’t
delete any files. macOS and iCloud
manage the process so you don’t
have to.

Optimize Mac Storage lets you cram 50kg of
digital potatoes in a 5 kg bag.

March 2021 • Macworld 111

throttled to a lower speed
each month against some
baseline, and if so, how
close to that limit are you?
(Some ISPs have temporarily
suspended limits due to
the pandemic and the work-

  • Consider your broadband
    speed. Do you have enough
    throughput to upload many
    gigabytes and download
    them on demand?

Next, follow these steps:

2.Copya batchoftensofgigabytes
if thefilesareavailablethereasa
4.Copy another batch of files.
As pressure increases on your
Mac’s storage, macOS will –as

notedabove– startdeletingthe
5.Continue a batch at a time: copy,
wait for upload, repeat.

Another option is to upload
directly via the site, but
Apple provides just a file-selection
tool, and uploading via a browser
can be fraught with interruptions
and slowdowns.
To be extremely clear: don’t
delete any files. macOS and iCloud
manage the process so you don’t
have to.

Optimize Mac Storage lets you cram 50kg of
digital potatoes in a 5 kg bag.
Free download pdf