Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1

306 March 2021


successful business model to how Apple
evolved their iPhone.
“Ecosystem is my favorite subject. I like
to use the iPhone analogy. When the iPhone
was launched in 2007 it did not have an app
store. When it came out, it was just a smarter
phone,” he said.
“Although it introduced the internet to
the palm of your hand, it couldn't extend its
capability to do other things. The app store
only came out in the third generation of the
iPhone, which was in 2009.
“Think about how we use the smartphone
today - very little for actual phone calls or
texting and more for banking or shopping
which comes from other vendors and
partners that built apps for the iPhone.
“And that's really the concept of
Datorama’s Marketplace ecosystem. It's
basically to democratise the platform and
help our partners and customers build
solutions, using our technology and really
expand the capabilities and the breadth of
the solutions that we have beyond what we
thought was possible.”
Ram said that although Datorama has an
“awesome engineering and product team”

“ These insights can advise

a marketer on the best

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