Crochet World - USA (2018-08)

(Antfer) #1

38 Crochet World CROCHET-WORLD.COM AUGUST 2018

Striped Overalls

Design by Rosanne Kropp

Instructions given fit infant’s size
6 months; changes for 12 months
and 24 months are in [ ].
Chest: 22 [24, 26] inches

  • Fine (sport) weight
    acrylic yarn:
    396 [396, 594] yds
    pale aqua
    396 [396, 594] yds white

  • Size F/5/3.75mm crochet hook or
    size needed to obtain gauge

  • 11 (1/2-inch) coordinating buttons

  • Bear sew-on appliqué

  • Sewing needle and thread

  • Tapestry needle
    In pattern: 9 sts = 2 inches; 9 rows
    = 2 inches

Weave in loose ends as work
Each pant leg is worked sepa-
rately, then joined at the crotch
with opening at the inseam.
The back and fronts are worked
separately across the top of the
pant legs from side seam to
side seam.


Make 2.

Row 1: With pale aqua yarn,
ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook,
sc in each rem ch across, ch 1,
turn. (6 sc)

INTERMEDIATE Rows 2–24 [26, 28]: Working in
back lps (see Stitch Guide) only,
sc in each st across, ch 1, turn.
At the end of last ribbing row,
ch 1, do not turn.

Row 1: Working across long
edge of ribbing rows, sc in end of
last ribbing row worked, [ch 1, sc
in next ribbing row] rep across,
changing color (see Stitch
Guide) to white in last sc, ch 1,
turn. (47 [51, 55] sts)
Note: Starting with Row 2,
alternate 2 rows white yarn,
2 rows pale aqua yarn unless
otherwise indicated.
Row 2: Sc in first sc, [ch 1, sk
ch-1 sp, sc in next sc] rep across,
ch 1, turn.
Rows 3–21 [27, 35]: Rep Row 2
for pattern.
Row 22 [28, 36]: Work 2 sc in
first sc, [ch 1, sk ch-1 sp, sc in
next sc] rep across to within last
sc, ch 1, sk ch-1 sp, 2 sc in last sc,
ch 1, turn. (49 [53, 57] sts)
Row 23 [29, 37]: Sc in first sc,
ch 1, sc in next sc, work in
pattern across to within last
2 sc, sc in next sc, ch 1, sc in next
sc, ch 1, turn. (51 [55, 59] sts)
Row 24 [30, 38]: Rep Row 2.
Rows 25–27 [31–33, 39–41]:
Rep Rows 22–24 [28–30,
36–38]. (55 [59, 63] sts)
Draw up a slight lp
on hook, remove hook,
leaving a 3-inch length
of yarn, cut yarn.
After 2nd pant leg is
worked, pick up dropped
lp and sl st in last sc
on last row of first pant

leg, making sure same side of
last rows are facing. Rep for
other leg.

Row 1: With WS of last row
facing and continuing in striped
pattern, attach yarn to 29th
[31st, 33rd] st on last row, ch 1,
sc in same st as beg ch-1, work
in pattern across first pant leg,
ending with sc in last sc, ch 1, sc
in first sc on next pant leg and
work in pattern across 26 [28,
30] more sts, ch 1, turn. (55 [59,
63] sts)
Rows 2–19 [22, 25]: Sc in first
sc, [ch 1, sk ch-1 sp, sc in next sc]
rep across, ch 1, turn.
Row 20 [23, 26]: Sc in first sc,
do not ch 1, sc in next sc, work
in pattern across until 3 sts rem
(sc, ch 1 and sc will rem), sc in
next sc, do not ch 1, sc in last sc,
ch 1, turn. (53 [57, 61] sts)
Row 21 [24, 27]: Sc dec (see
Stitch Guide) in first 2 sc, work
in pattern across to within last
2 sc, sc dec in next 2 sc, ch 1,
turn. (51 [55, 59] sts)
Rows 22–41 [25–47, 28–55]:
Work even in pattern, changing
to white yarn after Row 34 [40,
48], fasten off pale aqua yarn
and work last 7 rows with white
yarn only.
At the end of Row 41 [47, 55],
turn, do not ch 1.
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