Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1 33

to use a tripod. Slide film has less
grain too and grain is a big part of
my pictures, so I prefer negative film.
When I’m working digitally usually
I add a bit of grain to the images to
get the shot-on-film-look.
‘I always get my negatives scanned
at a commercial lab, as when
travelling I only want to take my
camera, some film and my laptop. A
scanner would be a step too far.’

Advice to new lm
‘Shooting with film isn’t as hard as
you might think it is. I started off
not knowing anything about
photography. Just get to know the
camera really well, and the basics of
making an exposure. Practise a lot
and once you know how to expose a
photo you can then just focus on
what you feel is right, what you
want to shoot and being creative.
Don’t let anyone tell you that your
work is rubbish – just keep shooting
and enjoy it. If you like what you
are doing that’s enough. You don’t
need a purpose for what you
do. I just make memories.’

See more of Louis’ work at
louisdazy and
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