Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1 35

Harry Borden
Harry is one of the UK’s finest portrait
photographers and his work has been
widely published. He has won prizes at
the World Press Photo awards (1997 and
1999), and was awarded an Honorary
Fellowship by the RPS in 2014. The National
Portrait Gallery collection holds more than
100 of his images.

I felt exhausted. There was a great

sense of relief, tempered by the fact

that I was shooting on film so all I

actually had were some latent

images yet to be developed. I didn’t

shoot a Polaroid as a test, as time was

precious and I didn’t want to waste a

frame. However, the b&w close-ups

worked particularly well and one of

them was used on Observer Life’s

cover. All the kerfuffle over taking

down the mirror had been
worthwhile. As I remember saying to
the PR, when she tried to stop me
taking it down: ‘No one will
remember me messing with the
interior of the hotel in 20 years’
time. All that will be left will be the
picture.’ A little awkwardness or
indignity is a small price to pay for a
memorable portrait.
As told to David Clark
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