Scientific American - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1
March 2021, 23


Claudia Wallis is an award-winning science journalist
whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Time,
Fortune and the New Republic. She was science editor
at Time and managing editor of Scientific American Mind.

Illustration by Fatinha Ramos

Like billions of people around the world, I am eagerly awaiting
my turn for a COVID vaccine. But not everyone shares my enthu-
siasm. My sister-in-law, an alternative health practitioner, says
she doesn’t trust “Big Pharma” to have formulated safe shots. She
prefers to fortify her immune system with supplements and a
healthy lifestyle. “I avoid all vaccines,” she told me.
She is not alone. By now the term “vaccine hesitancy” has
entered everyday pandemic discourse, joining “flatten the curve”
and “social distancing.” Polls in December 2020 suggested that
about 30  percent of Americans harbor doubts about COVID vac-
cinations. If that number holds steady, unvaccinated people could
form a deadly reservoir of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, able to restart out-
breaks. We need a level of protection known as herd immunity,
which experts estimate will require between 60 and 90 percent
of the population to be vaccinated or have antibodies resulting
from infection.
Vaccine reluctance looms large among certain
subgroups: 42 percent of Republicans, 35 percent of
Black adults and 33 percent of essential workers, for
varying reasons, said they would probably or definitely
refuse the vaccine in a December poll conduct-
ed by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).
Experts say efforts to overcome hesitancy
should address specific concerns from these
groups and include transparency
about vaccine benefits and risks.
Here are seven key ideas:

  1. It’s not necessary to
    change the minds of com-
    mitted anti-vaxxers; they
    are just a tiny slice of
    the population, and we
    can reach herd immunity
    without them. Consider,
    for ex ample, that in the 2018–
    2019 school year, only 2.5 per-
    cent of U.S. kindergartners were
    exempted from vaccination. “We
    are more interested in people who
    might be ambivalent,” says Rupali

Limaye, a health communication scientist at the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health.

  1. Facts alone will not persuade skeptics. A 2014 study of adults
    who worried that vaccination might cause autism—a debunked
    idea—found that corrective facts had no impact on their inten-
    tions to vaccinate a child. The information actually hardened
    negative views among those most opposed. “A more convincing
    approach is to address the lack of trust or reach people with
    trusted messengers rather than trying to throw facts and sci-
    ence at people,” says Brendan Nyhan, lead author of that study
    and a professor of government at Dartmouth College.

  2. Some minority groups, such as Black and Native Americans,
    have strong historical reasons to view health authorities with
    suspicion. Experts favor working closely with civic and faith
    leaders, admired athletes and other trusted figures within those
    groups. This technique was first developed to promote practic-
    es that prevent HIV/AIDS among gay men and has since been
    adapted for other purposes and populations.

  3. Low levels of vaccination, particularly among low-income
    communities, often reflect practical barriers. Offering extend-
    ed hours for immunizations and ensuring that the public
    knows there is no cost are two ways to improve the rates,
    says Samantha Artiga, director of racial equity and health pol-
    icy at KFF.

  4. Talk about how popular the vaccine is. “It might be tempt-
    ing to say, ‘Get your vaccine because half of Americans won’t,’”
    says Katy Milkman, a behavioral scientist at the Uni-
    versity of Pennsylvania, but that “emphasizes how
    common it is to decline the vaccine.” Research on vot-
    ing turnout shows it is more effective to say everyone
    is doing it, she notes: “People follow perceived norms.”

  5. Overcome the human tendency to procrastinate. A 2009
    study at Rutgers University showed that people who
    were given an opt-out appointment for a flu shot
    were 36  percent more likely to be vaccinated
    than folks who were sent a link to
    schedule it themselves. Once the
    new vaccines are widely available,
    Limaye suggests health providers
    can say to patients who come in
    for other, more routine rea-
    sons, “Let’s go ahead and
    get that COVID shot.”

  6. For forgetful types,
    simple reminders—by
    text or voice message—can be
    powerful. A 2019 study showed that
    frequent daily reminders to com-
    plete drug treatment for tuberculo-
    sis greatly im proved outcomes. “You’d
    think that would be irritating, but it was
    effective,” Milkman says. So when it
    comes time for that second COVID vaccine
    dose, she suggests, “Let’s nag people.”

7 Ways to Tackle

COVID Vaccine


Use trusted messengers, remove

barriers, and other research lessons

By Claudia Wallis

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