(Mansi) #1

Everyone looked around for the cause and Zoya spotted a
Chihuahua behind the bushes and walked to it.

"Hey you little thing." Zoys picked it up and cuddled on way
back to everyone.

"Leave that monster there, I'm going to call the security.
SECURITY SECURITY." The mentor yell out from his spot on
the chair while everyone tried to calm him down.

"This is such a cute little dog." Zoya said patting the dog.

"Sorry dear but Mr. Joshua is cynophobe." A lady in the
baggy blue gown said.

"It's okay we can just make the announcement so that
whoever this dog belongs to can come and take it." Zoya said
and approached the mentor who slipped off the chair and fell
with a thud on the mat right beside.

"Ouch." He yelped and everyone gathered around him
helping him up.

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