2021-03-08 Publishers Weekly

(Coto Paxi) #1

The Week Ahead
Senior writer Andrew Albanese
digs into the decision to discon-
tinue publication of six Dr. Seuss
titles over content deemed to be
racist and insensitive.

More to Come
Senior news editor Calvin Reid inter-
views historian Brian K. Mitchell
and artist Barrington S. Edwards
about the publication of Monumental,
a graphic nonfi ction account of the
remarkable life of Oscar J. Dunn, a
formerly enslaved New Orleanian
who became the fi rst African
American lieutenant governor

Sourcebooks has launched a new imprint

that company founder Dominique Raccah

said will “expand what publishing can be

for women authors.” E.L. James’s backlist

titles will become part of the imprint on

April 1. Pam Jaffee has joined Source-

books to help direct the imprint.

Literary publishing veteran Yuka

Igarashi has been tapped to be

executive editor at Graywolf Press,

lured away from Soft

Skull Press. Igarashi

will assume her new

position on April 8,

working remotely

from Hawaii.

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Columbia University Press,
in collaboration with Howard
University and Columbia
University, is
launching a new
Black studies book
series, with plans to
also recruit and
train students for
the book industry.

Online & On-Air and acting governor in U.S. history.

Children’s Bookshelf
Outraged by the exponential increase
in hate crimes targeting Asian
Americans since the onset of the
Covid-19 pandemic, a group of Asian
American children’s authors, led by
Stacey Lee and Kat Cho, has sought
to make change through an online

The Week in Publishing

President George Slowik Jr.
Executive V-P, Publisher Cevin Bryerman
V-P, Editorial Director Jim Milliot
V-P, General Manager Carl Pritzkat
V-P, Children’s Book Editor Diane Roback
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Reviews Editors David Adams, Phoebe Cramer,
Meg Lemke, Maya C. Popa, Carliann Rittman,
Seth Satterlee, David Varno
Children’s Reviews Editor Amanda Bruns
Senior Writer Andrew R. Albanese
Bookselling & International Editor Ed Nawotka
Religion Editor Emma Koonse Wenner
Deputy Children’s Book Editor Emma Kantor
Editorial Assistant, Children’s Books Sarah Yung
Assistant Editor Drucilla Shultz
Associate Art Director Nicole Cadavid
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Contributing Editors Leylha Ahuile, Michael Coffey,
Sari Feldman, Lynn Garrett, Liz Hartman, Brian Kenney,
Daniel Lefferts, Sally Lodge, Heidi MacDonald, Daisy Maryles,
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Feature: 9/11 Anniversary: Adult Books Deadline: Mar. 1 5 Issue: Apr. 26
This feature will look at forthcoming nonfi ction and fi ction that addresses civilian and military
issues related to 9/11, the war in Afghanistan, and other relevant topics. Pub dates: May–October.
New titles only, please; no reprints. Send pitches and links to artwork to features@publishers-
weekly.com by March 15 and put “Call for info: 9/11 Adult” in the subject line.

Call for

Stacey Lee (l.) and Kat Cho
Free download pdf