DevNet Associate DEVASC 200-901 Official Certification Guide by Adrian Iliesiu (

(andrew) #1

backup. The command requires several parameters: the
name of the file you want to copy and where you want to
copy it to and the name of the copy. When copying the
contents of a folder, you need to use the -r, or recursive,
flag. You can use the cp command as follows:

$ cp sydney.txt

Copies a file called sydney.txt from
the current directory and names the
copy sydney2.txt

$ cp

Copies a file as described above but
using the full path and the home
directory path

$ cp -r folder

Copies a folder


The mv command allows you to move a file or folder
from one directory to another, and it is also used to
rename files or folders from the command line, as BASH
does not have a dedicated renaming function. The mv
command takes a source and destination, just as cp
does. You can use the -i flag to create an interactive
option prompt when moving files that exist at the
destination. The -f flag forces the move and overwrites
any files at the destination. Wildcards also work to select
multiple source files or directories. You can use the mv
command as follows:

$ mv caleb.txt

Renames a file called caleb.txt to

$ mv

Renames a file as described above
but using full paths
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