branch, you would have seen the following message after
using the command git merge:
Click here to view code image
#git merge newfeature
Auto-merging text1
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in text1
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then
commit the result.
In addition, text1 would look as shown in Figure 2-18
(which shows the conflicting merge).
Figure 2-18 Git Conflicting Merge
Git shows you that “line 3” was added to text1 on the
master branch and “new feature code” was added to text1
on the newfeature branch. Git is letting you delete one or
keep both. You can simply edit the file, remove the parts
that Git added to highlight the differences, and save the
file. Then you can use git add to index your changes and
git commit to save to the local repository, as in the
following example:
Click here to view code image