DevNet Associate DEVASC 200-901 Official Certification Guide by Adrian Iliesiu (

(andrew) #1

in this example:

>>> 'DevNet' + 'Rocks'

Multiplication works as well, as in this example:

Click here to view code image

>>> 'DevNet Rocks ' * 5
'DevNet Rocks DevNet Rocks DevNet Rocks DevNet
Rocks DevNet Rocks '

There is a tremendous amount of string manipulation
you can do with Python, and there are a number of built-
in methods in the standard string library. These methods
are called with a dot after the variable name for a string.
Table 3-5 lists some commonly used string manipulation
methods, including the syntax used for each and what
each method does.

Table 3-5 String Methods

MethodWhat It Does

str.capitalize() Capitalize the string
[, fillchar])

Center justify the string

x[, start[, end]])

Add an ending string to the string

start[, end]])

Find the index position of the
characters in a string


Remove whitespace characters from
the end of the string
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