DevNet Associate DEVASC 200-901 Official Certification Guide by Adrian Iliesiu (

(andrew) #1
models into other data structures, such as XSD (XML Schema
Definition). Use the following command to install this module:

pip install pyang

Tools for API interaction:

requests: This is a full library to interact with HTTP services and
used extensively to interact with REST APIs. Use the following
command to install this module:

pip install requests

Use the following command to import this module:

import requests

ncclient: This Python library helps with client-side scripting and
application integration for the NETCONF protocol. Use the
following command to install this module:

pip install ncclient

Use the following command to import this module:

from ncclient import manager

netmiko: This connection-handling library makes it easier to
initiate SSH connections to network devices. This module is
intended to help bridge the programmability gap between devices
with APIs and those without APIs that still rely on command-line
interfaces and commands. It relies on the paramiko module and
works with multiple vendor platforms. Use the following command
to install this module:

pip install netmiko

Use the following command to import this module:
Click here to view code image

from netmiko import ConnectHandler
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