Chris Jackson:
This book would not have been written if it hadn’t been
for the team of amazing people at Cisco Press; you guys
make us sound coherent, fix our silly mistakes, and
encourage us to get the project done! James, Ellie, and
Brett are the best in the industry. Thanks as well to our
tech editors, John McDonough and Bryan Byrne, for
making sure our code is tight and works.
I am so very thankful to my manager Jeff Cristee for
being an incredible mentor and supporting me in so
many ways. You are the best, and I feel blessed to work
with you. Linda Masloske, you are an amazing friend and
have been one of my biggest supporters during my 20-
year career at Cisco. I could write an entire chapter on
how much you have done for me over the years. Thank
you for everything, but most importantly for giving a kid
from Kentucky the chance to shine.
A big Thanks to my SNAP crew Jodi, Deonna, Angie, and
Doug, for giving me time to work on all of my many
projects. You guys are the best and I LOVE working with
you. Virtual or live, you bring the magic.
Jason Gooley:
Big thank-you to Brett and Marianne Bartow, Ellie Bru,
and everyone else involved at Cisco Press! You are all
amazing to work with, and six books later, I’m not sure
how you put up with me! Shout out to my brother in
metal, Stuart Clark (@bigevilbeard), for letting me use
his code examples! Thanks, brother!
Adrian Iliesiu: