Under Nadella, Micro-
soft has generated
incredible growth from
new businesses like its
Azure cloud platform.
And Nadella recently
showed that he could
put principles first while
navigating employee
unrest, as he stood by
a contract to supply
the U.S. Army with aug-
mented reality head-
sets. He argued that
Microsoft shouldn’t
withhold technology
from institutions that
protect our democracy.
Compared with others
in China’s boister-
ous tech scene, Ma
keeps a low profile.
But his influence has
gone global thanks
to WeChat, Tencent’s
billion-member instant
messaging service.
WeChat is the epitome
of the super-app model,
a single interface
through which users
can pay bills, order
food, book tickets, play
games, and more. And
rivals, including Face-
book, are now adapting
to emulate its success.
FEW PEOPLE ON EITHER SIDE OF THE PARTISAN DIVIDE seem satisfied with the outcome of Mueller’s
investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections. But that very dissatisfaction
speaks to the nobly impartial example the former FBI director set as he led an arduous,
sensitive investigation. He and his team didn’t uncover the smoking guns that President
Trump’s critics craved, nor did they grant the President the exoneration he demanded.
Instead, sticking to the evidence and tuning out the hype, they exposed serious wrongdoing
and shed light on systemic flaws that the nation is now more likely to address.
Mueller took on a thankless task with dignity, integrity, a willingness to sacrifice his
own reputation for a cause, and an unflinching commitment to the rule of law. He proved
the country’s institutions still work, even in the face of unprecedented political turmoil.
That’s unquestionably good for the country, whatever the next act of the drama may be.
pony ma
Founder and CEO, Tencent
satya nadella
CEO, Microsoft