ambiguity, Formal and Natural Languages
anagram, Exercises
anagram set, Exercises, Exercises
analysis of algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Glossary
analysis of primitives, Analysis of Basic Python Operations
and operator, Logical Operators
any, any and all
append method, List Methods, List Arguments, Exercises, Decks, Add, Remove,
Shuffle and Sort
arc function, Exercises
Archimedian spiral, Exercises
argument, Function Calls, Adding New Functions, Parameters and Arguments,
Parameters and Arguments, Glossary, List Arguments
gather, Variable-Length Argument Tuples
keyword, Generalization, Glossary, Gathering Keyword Args
list, List Arguments
optional, String Methods, Glossary, Exercises, Lists and Strings, Reverse Lookup,
Conditional Expressions
positional, Another Example, Glossary, Gathering Keyword Args
variable-length tuple, Variable-Length Argument Tuples
argument scatter, Variable-Length Argument Tuples
arithmetic operator, Arithmetic Operators
assert statement, Debugging, Glossary
assignment, Glossary, Reassignment, A List Is a Sequence