birthday, Exercises
birthday paradox, Exercises
bisect module, Exercises
bisection search, Exercises, Analysis of Search Algorithms
bisection, debugging by, Debugging
bitwise operator, Arithmetic Operators
body, Adding New Functions, Glossary, The while Statement
bool type, Boolean Expressions
boolean expression, Boolean Expressions, Glossary
boolean function, Boolean Functions
boolean operator, The in Operator
borrowing, subtraction with, Algorithms, Prototyping versus Planning
bounded, Hashtables
bracket operator, A String Is a Sequence, Lists Are Mutable, Tuples Are Immutable
bracket, squiggly, A Dictionary Is a Mapping
branch, Alternative Execution, Glossary
break statement, break
bubble sort, Analysis of Algorithms
bug, Debugging, Glossary, Debugging
worst, Exercises
built-in function, any, any and all, any and all
bytes object, Databases, Glossary