Counter, Counters
counting and looping, Looping and Counting
Creative Commons, Acknowledgments
crossover point, Order of Growth, Glossary
crosswords, Reading Word Lists
cumulative sum, Exercises
data encapsulation, Data Encapsulation, Glossary
data structure, Debugging, Glossary, Data Structures
database, Databases, Glossary
database object, Databases
datetime module, Exercises
dbm module, Databases
dead code, Return Values, Glossary, I added so many print statements I get
inundated with output.
debugger (pdb), When I run the program I get an exception.
debugging, Debugging, Debugging, Glossary, Debugging, Debugging, Debugging,
Debugging, Debugging, Debugging, Debugging, Debugging, Debugging, Debugging,
Debugging, Debugging, Debugging, Debugging, Debugging, List Comprehensions,
by bisection, Debugging
emotional response, Debugging, I’m really, really stuck and I need help.
experimental, Debugging
rubber duck, Glossary
superstition, I’m really, really stuck and I need help.