fibonacci function, One More Example, Memos
file, Persistence
permission, Catching Exceptions
reading and writing, Reading and Writing
file object, Reading Word Lists, Glossary
filename, Filenames and Paths
filter pattern, Map, Filter and Reduce, Glossary, List Comprehensions
find function, Searching
flag, Global Variables, Glossary
float function, Function Calls
float type, Values and Types
floating-point, Values and Types, Glossary, Square Roots, Conditional Expressions
floating-point division, Floor Division and Modulus
floor division, Floor Division and Modulus, Debugging, Glossary
flow of execution, Flow of Execution, Glossary, One More Example, Debugging, The
while Statement, Debugging, Flow of execution
flower, Exercises
folder, Filenames and Paths
for loop, Simple Repetition, Recursion, Traversal with a for Loop, Traversing a List,
Lists and Tuples, List Comprehensions
formal language, Formal and Natural Languages, Glossary
format operator, Format Operator, Glossary, When I run the program I get an
format sequence, Format Operator, Glossary