Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1
random, Random  Numbers

recursive,  Recursion

reload, Writing Modules,    I   keep    making  changes and it  makes   no  difference.

repr,   Debugging

reversed,   Sequences   of  Sequences

shuffle,    Add,    Remove, Shuffle and Sort

sorted, Looping and Dictionaries,   Sequences   of  Sequences

sqrt,   Math    Functions,  Incremental Development

str,    Function    Calls

sum,    Variable-Length Argument    Tuples, Generator   Expressions

trigonometric,  Math    Functions

tuple,  Tuples  Are Immutable

type,   Debugging

void,   Fruitful    Functions   and Void    Functions

zip,    Lists   and Tuples

function argument, Parameters and Arguments

function call, Function Calls, Glossary

function composition, Composition

function definition, Adding New Functions, Definitions and Uses, Glossary, Glossary

function frame, Stack Diagrams, Glossary, Stack Diagrams for Recursive Functions,

More Recursion, Memos

function object, Exercises

function parameter, Parameters and Arguments

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