Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1

information hiding, Glossary

inheritance, Inheritance, Debugging, Glossary, Named Tuples

init method, The init Method, Debugging, Card Objects, Decks, Inheritance

initialization (before update), Updating Variables

initialization, variable, Glossary

input function, Keyboard Input

instance, Programmer-Defined Types, Glossary

as  argument,   Attributes

as  return  value,  Instances   as  Return  Values

instance attribute, Attributes, Glossary, Class Attributes, Glossary

instantiate, Glossary

instantiation, Programmer-Defined Types

int function, Function Calls

int type, Values and Types

integer, Values and Types, Glossary

interactive mode, Script Mode, Script Mode, Glossary, Fruitful Functions and Void


interface, Interface Design, Debugging, Glossary, Interface and Implementation,


interlocking words, Exercises

interpret, Glossary

interpreter, Running Python

invariant, Debugging, Glossary

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