Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1

Linux, Debugging

lipogram, Exercises

Liskov substitution principle, Debugging

list, A List Is a Sequence, Lists and Strings, Glossary, Sequences of Sequences, List


as  argument,   List    Arguments

concatenation,  List    Operations, List    Arguments,  Exercises

copy,   List    Slices

element,    Lists   Are Mutable

empty,  A   List    Is  a   Sequence

function,   Lists   and Strings

index,  Lists   Are Mutable

membership, Lists   Are Mutable

method, List    Methods

nested, A   List    Is  a   Sequence,   Traversing  a   List

of  objects,    Decks

of  tuples, Lists   and Tuples

operation,  List    Operations

repetition, List    Operations

slice,  List    Slices

traversal,  Traversing  a   List

list comprehension, List Comprehensions, Glossary

list methods, Analysis of Basic Python Operations

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