B. Striving to obtain acceptable customer/end-useradoption.
C. Appling knowledge, skills, and processes within the Project Management Process Groups
uniformly to meet the project objectives.
D. Fulfilling other agreed-upon success measures orcriteria.
17.The project business case is all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Documentedeconomicfeasibilitystudyused toestablishthevalidityofthebenefits ofa
selected component lacking sufficient definition and that is used as a basis for the
B. Adocumentthatliststheobjectivesandreasonsforprojectinitiation.
C. Adocumentthatservesasanimportantinputtotheprojectinitiationandisseldomused
D. Animportantdocumentthatmayresultinago/no-godecisionfortheproject.
18.The key elements of the benefits management plan are all of the following
A. Work BreakdownStructure.
B. Benefitsowner.
C. Assumptions.
D. Strategic alignment.
19.Asignificant amount ofdata iscollected and analyzed throughout the
project.All ofthefollowing areexamples ofprojectdata andinformation
A. Work performancedata.
B. Work performanceanalysis.
C. Work performanceinformation.
D. Work performancereports.
20.Project tailoring is an important consideration for most projects. Which of
the following is the least likely projectconsideration?
A. Project manager’s skills and competency.
B. Each project isunique.
C. Addressing competingconstraints.
D. Level of project governancevaries.