+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

(khatib.arch2) #1
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57.Outputs of the Monitor and Control Project Work process include all of the
following EXCEPT:

A. Changerequests.
B. Project management planupdates.
C. Work performancereports.
D. Final product, service, or resulttransition.

58.All of the following are inputs to Manage Project Knowledge EXCEPT:

A. Deliverables.
B. Knowledge management.
C. Lessons learned register.
D. Project managementplan.

59.All of the following are Knowledge Management tools and techniques

A. Discussionforums.
B. Storytelling.
C. Work shadowing and reverse shadowing.
D. Regression analysis.

60.Lessons learned documentation generally includes all of the following

A. The causes ofissues.
B. Updates of the statement of work to reflect training and learningrequirements.
C. Reasoning behind the corrective action chosen.
D. Other types of lessons learned about communications management.

61.All of the following are true about the project scope management plan

A. It enables the creation of the WBS from the detailed project scopestatement.
B. It describes how the scope will be defined, developed, monitored, controlled, andvalidated.
C. It can be formal or informal, broadly framed or highly detailed, based on the needs of the
D. It is not related to the projectmanagement plan.

62.Collect Requirements is the process of determining, documenting,and

managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives. All
of the following are true about this process EXCEPT:

A. Theproject'ssuccessisdirectlyinfluencedbyactivestakeholderinvolvementinthediscovery
and decomposition of needs into requirements and by the care taken in determining,
documenting, and managing the requirements of the product, service, or result of the
B. Requirementsbecome thefoundation ofthe WBS. Cost,schedule, qualityplanning,and
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