+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

(khatib.arch2) #1
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150.Itisimportant that the resourcemanagement plan addresses how team
memberswill bereleasedwhentheyarenolongerneeded ontheproject for

A. To reduce projectcosts.
B. To improve morale when smooth transitions to upcoming projects are alreadyplanned.
C. To optimize the utilization of human and materialresources.
D. To help mitigate resource risks that may occur during or at the end of aproject.

151.To be effective, recognition and rewards systems should have the
following characteristics EXCEPT:

A. Clear criteria for rewards and a planned system for their use to help promote and reinforce
B. Being based on activities and performance under a person'scontrol.
C. Cultural differences should be considered when determining recognition andrewards.
D. The required performance for rewards should be made unachievable for most team
members, to ensure that all team members strive for excellence throughout theproject.

152.Tools and techniques to acquire resources include all of the following

A. Decision making.
B. Acquisition.
C. Interpersonal and teamskills.
D. Pre-assignment.


A. It is inevitable in a project environment and should be addressedearly.
B. It should usually be addressed inprivate.
C. It should be addressed only when it becomes disruptive, and at an official teammeeting.
D. It should be addressed using a direct, collaborativeapproach.


A. Team-buildingactivitiescanvaryfromafive-minuteagendaiteminastatusreviewmeeting
to an off-site, professionally facilitated experience designed to improve interpersonal
B. Teambuildingshouldbeprimarilyconsideredaftermajorconflictswithintheprojectteam,
C. Team-buildingstrategiesareparticularlyvaluablewhenteammembersoperatefromremote
D. Teambuildingisessentialduringthefrontendofaprojectandisanongoingprocess.To
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