+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

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160.All of the following choices represent inputs to the Estimate Activity
Resources process EXCEPT:

A. Activitylist.
B. Enterprise environmentalfactors.
C. The deliverable-oriented WBS of a previous, similarproject.
D. Resource managementplan.

161.Outputs from the Estimate Activity Resources, processinclude :

A. Job descriptions of resources required for the project.
B. Salary schedules for various projectresources
C. Identification of the types and quantities of resources required for each activity in a work
D. Analogous estimates of resource requirements for each work package and each workperiod.

162.Team building has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

A. Itistheprocessofhelpingagroupofindividualstobuildacollaborativeandcooperative
B. It requires handling project team problems decisively and removing the individual(s)
responsiblefortheseproblems fromthe teampromptlyto ensureaproductive,smooth
C. Itcanhelpindividualteammembersworktogethereffectively.
D. Itcanbeparticularlyvaluablewhenteammembersoperatefromremotelocationswithout

163.Motivating involves creating an environment to meet project objectives
while providing satisfaction related to what people value most. Allof the
following are reasons of motivation EXCEPT:

A. Encouraging someone to act.
B. Participating in decisionmaking.
C. Providing accurate criticism in the annual performance review or after the project is
D. Encouraging people to work independently.
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