+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

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270.What is the definition of costbaseline?

A. A financial analysis tool used to determine the benefits provided by a project against its costs.
B. A measure of the cost efficiency of budgeted resources expressed as the ratio of earned value
to actualcost.
C. Theapprovedversionofthetime-phasedprojectbudget,excludinganymanagement
reserves, which can be changed only through formal change control procedures and is used
as a basis for comparison to actualresults.
D. The amount of budget deficit or surplus at a given point in time, expressed as the difference
between the earned value and the actual cost.

270.What is the BEST description for scopebaseline?

A. Acomponentoftheprogramorprojectmanagementplanthatdescribeshowthescopewill
B. Thesumoftheproducts,services,andresultstobeprovidedasaproject.
C. Theuncontrolledexpansiontoproductorprojectscopewithoutadjustmentstotime,cost,
D. The approved version of a scope statement, work breakdown structure (WBS), and its
associatedWT 3 Sdictionary,thatcanbechangedusingformalchangecontrolprocedures and

271.Which phrase BEST describes the source selectioncriteria?

A. Asetofattributesdesiredbythebuyerwhichasellerisrequiredtomeetorexceedtobe
B. Atechniqueofsystematicallygatheringandanalyzingquantitativeandqualitative information
todeterminewhoseinterestsshouldbetakenintoaccountthroughoutthe project.
C. Aproject document including theidentification, assessment, and classification ofproject
D. Anarrativedescriptionofproducts,services,orresultstobedeliveredbytheproject.

272.How would you define the statement of work(SOW)?

A. Theuncontrolledexpansiontoproductorprojectscopewithoutadjustmentstotime,cost,
B. Anarrativedescriptionofproducts,services,orresultstobedeliveredbytheproject.
C. The approved version of a scope statement, work breakdown structure (WBS), and its
D. Formalresponsesfrom sellerstoarequestforproposal orotherprocurement document
sellerwill do forthe requestingorganization that,if accepted,would bind the sellerto
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