Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1


The Five Questions Every

Woman Should Ask Before

She Gets in Too Deep


had just gotten to Hollywood and I was seeing a lot of
things my then thirty-eight-year-old eyes had never seen
before. One of those that stood out most was the lifestyle
of a famous and well-regarded celebrity, whose name I’m just
going to go ahead and keep to myself. But this much I will tell
you: this man had it all—money, fame, and a bevy of super-
beauties so bad he could have easily made Hugh Hefner scratch
his head and wonder how he could get in on that action. I mean
this man was surrounded by gorgeous women. A lot. All. The.
Time. And I was amazed at this because I couldn’t understand
how one person could get all of these fine women like this. I

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